MRHOG July Meeting
SATURDAY 10 July 2021 MRHOG Members’ Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2021 Officers Present : Sebrena Edmison, Shelly Margheim, Tammy Taylor, Marla Merryman The membership meeting was called to order at 11:00am by Sebrena. Welcome new members, Ed and Micky Melendez. Safety report/topic (presented by Sebrena): When riding in the heat it is extremely important to stay hydrated. Hydration vests are comfortable and effective. HD’s vest is only $50. Wear a long sleeve, light colored shirt. If you have a water bottle handy with a squirt top, spray yourself down. The neck cool scarves are also great. You should carry water, Gatorade or Pedialyte with you, take frequent breaks and stay hydrated. Another member stated they get cool (as in temperature) underwear off an on-line company, LD Comfort. Treasurer report: Shelly reported there is $2.666.86 in the bank account. The picnic profit was $158. Membership report : Tammy reported we have 63 current members. Sebrena encouraged ...