APRIL HOG Meeting 9 April 2022 11:00 am Meeting called to order by Director Keith. Meet your Chapter Officers..... Pledge of Allegiance Welcome new member Don Bachman (No Photo) Elsa has volunteered as membership coordinator. Meeting Members Picnic pricing is going back to previous year at $10.00 per member, $15.00 per guest. Games at the BBQ will be LRC (need three $1’s to play), Corn Hole, Egg Toss Need to borrow another BBQ grill. Christmas Party is December 16,2022 at the Riverside Casino, Laughlin, NV. April 23, 2022- need a couple volunteers for the poker at the shop. April 29, 30, 2022- need 3 to 4 volunteers at the shop to assist with Laughlin traffic. (There will be vendors and food trucks) May 21, 2022 is the swap meet at the shop. Proceeds to benefit the chapter, all unsold items will be donated to Annie’s Attic. Keith will pick up items the day before if you are not able to bring them down to the shop. Group riding- please maintain 2 ...