SATURDAY 9 October 2021 11:00 Call to Order - Shelly MRHD Marketing manager Sharon spoke to encourage participation in the Kingman 66 Fest Motorcycle Show on November 5 at Lewis Kingman Park from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. 11:02 Pledge of Allegiance Shelly: We have a total of 66 members. There were 26 members in attendance New member Tom Hanlon from Bullhead was introduced. Tom Hanlon Treasurer Report: Starting $3,096.73 Expenses -$40.00 Revenue: $17.50 50/50 $17.50 donated back from 50/50 $25.00 raffle $40.00 patches Ending $3,157.73 UPCOMING RIDES and EVENTS Mark: October 23 ride to Keepers of the Wild. KSU at MRHD at 830. 2 hours at the park, then lunch at Delgadillo’s Snow Cap in Seligman. Marla: October events: Overnight ride Yuma October 25-27, KSU: 8am MRHD HERE'S AN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON Two Niter to Yuma, Vince will be leading the ride...