RIDE 365


23 JUNE 2021

RIDE 365

The following is a message/request from a member of our chapter:

Mike Celsi has signed up for it..

 Could you please ask the people that sign up for the Ride 365 Chapter mileage to please post some of their miles.  It is almost midyear, and I am the only one that has posted anything.  If you sign up, and don’t post anything, you drive the chapter average down since you are counted but haven’t contributed anything.  Any miles are fine, just please post what you have ridden.  There are 3 members signed up and haven’t posted at this time.

So, you ask "what is Ride 365?"

What is Ride 365?

Ride 365 is The Official Mileage Recognition Program for The Official Riding Club of Harley-Davidson. Ride 365 includes the existing Lifetime Recognition and two new programs—Annual Recognition and an annual Chapter Challenge. We want to encourage you to focus on the reason you own H-D motorcycles—to ride them! 

Here is the screen that comes up when you log on to the RIDE 365 web page; https://www.harley-davidson.cn/us/en/owners/hog/ride-365.html.. 

After that just read their notes and follow the directions.

Here is a screenshot of my log on....

The more of us that participate, the better chance we have of winning.
